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It's been a relatively uneventful week, but I am still have trouble getting around to focusing on some things that I like. I tried to watch most of the College World series this week, but, between rain delays etc., I found myself having to watch ESPN or the news for the final scores. My Sooners are in the losers bracket right now and they will play South Carolina tonight (Thursday) for the right to face Clemson. I would really like to see OU move into the finals, but it is an uphill climb for them.
Hot has been the operative word around here recently. The temperatures have soared into the mid-nineties, and the humidity hasn't been much better. We're only in the middle of June. Something tells me, it's going to be a l-o-n-g, hot summer. In order to really enjoy the boat, I have to be on the lake around 6:00 a.m. and home before noon. I'm okay with that.
I'm headed to Houston on business, so I don't know if I will get much posting done. Stop by when you get a chance, just to see if I'm still here. Houston in late June, now that's a pleasant thought. The temperature and the humidity will both be in the nineties. I should be accustomed to it by now.
Well, what do we do for an inspirational song this week? I am constantly amazed at God's mercy in my life. When I look at what I have done in the past and how I have sometimes conducted myself, it's a wonder He hasn't struck me dead! His grace and His mercy have sustained me through many a day when I have been less than He would like for me to be. I look around at all that God has provided for me, a loving wife, a healthy family, a home that is far better than I deserve, a secure job in these difficult times, the list goes on. When I see His presence in my life, it often brings me to tears, and I can only stand amazed. So, I give you Chris Tomlin and I Stand Amazed. Enjoy.