Life is filled with choices. For a child most choices revolve around whether or not to obey their parents. For teens, life gets much more complex. They have many more influences that are trying to get them to explore life. They can choose friends that have a positive influence on their lives or they can choose to associate with those who are not making good decisions. At some point they will choose who they will marry, what type of work they will do and where they will live. All of these decisions have a significant impact on our lives. Still, more decisions have to be made.
There are those decisions that revolve around life circumstances. We may lose our job, we may face divorce, we may go through a personal financial crisis. Someone very close to us may pass away suddenly. We may be diagnosed with a terminal illness. How do we deal with life circumstances?
Many issues do not have a clear right or wrong answer, but there are two choices that are pretty clear. We may choose to make decisions that honor the God of all creation and acknowledge that He is in control, regardless of the outcome. Our decisions can be a testimony to how active God is in our life and that He is the source of strength, comfort, courage, faith, and perseverance. When the storm of life has passed, we have a testimony that glorifies our Creator.
We may choose to become the myrtar with a war story. Everyone and everything is out to get us and the difficulty that we are facing is just another chapter in a life filled with disaster. When the storm passes, we have been the victim. We can blame others. We can blame God, but it is NEVER our fault. We were just the poor pitiful target of a terrible situation and life has once again taken it's toll on us. Now we have a war story.
We will never truly be able to choose the first path until we spend time in God's word and in fellowship with Him through prayer. The Bible gives us insight in how to deal with the storms of life. It gives us examples of how God has dealt with others who have faced terrible circumstances. Prayer allows us to talk to God, praise Him, worship Him, thank Him, and bring our heart felt concerns to Him. We must remember that God has a plan and is in control, therefore, not every prayer request is answered according to our will, but according to His. God is not Santa Claus. We don't bring our wish list to Him and wait to see if we've been good enough to get everything that we ask for. We seek God's will in our own life and the lives of those around us. We have to be willing to accept His devine will regardless of how painful it may seem at the time. The next time life becomes difficult will we make choices that become a testimony or a war story. Have a blessed day.