Tank Tops
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Monday, September 29, 2014
Ruby Tuesday Too - Caddy Shack
Take the two couches in your living room and arrange them in tandem. Wrap them in three tons of sheet metal and place them on four wheels with tires. Add one huge engine and transmission and you have the ultimate road car...a 1959 Cadillac. This car was nearly 19 feet long, but it was like cruising down the interstate in your living room.
Of course, if you ever tried to pile your friends in the trunk of a car and sneak into the drive-in movies, this is the trunk you want to use. You could put half of your senior class in this thing.
Of course, if you ever tried to pile your friends in the trunk of a car and sneak into the drive-in movies, this is the trunk you want to use. You could put half of your senior class in this thing.
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Scavenger Hunt Sunday - Bikes, Blues, & BBQ
Okay, I'm going to have to stretch the boundaries a bit and you're going to have to think outside the box in order to make these photos work with the prompts. I'm trying to tie it all to one event. Every September 10's of thousands of motorcycle enthusiasts descend on Northwest Arkansas for an event called Bikes, Blues, & BBQ. I love getting out and snapping a few images of some of the rides. This year I did not photograph many of bikes. My schedule just wouldn't allow it. Yes, I'm retired, but I do have an agenda from time to time. This year they held their 3rd annual car show in conjunction with all of the other activities. I decided to forgo most of the two wheel festivities and headed to the auto art. Anyway, here goes.
Hey! Somebody left the key in the ignition. Anyone up for a joy ride? This was one sweet little '32 Ford roadster.
I hereby declare that this air cleaner is a soft triangle. Yes, it has round corners, but it still has three sides and that is my reason for declaring this to be a triangle.
Favorite Word - "Shiny"
Whether the rolling art is on two wheels or four, I think the operative word at these events is "Shiny". With the exception of the "Rat Rod" category, most of these vehicles glisten. On a bright, sunny day it is almost impossible to get a good photograph that has no glare.
Bikes, Blues & BBQ is a celebration of rolling art for charity. The event lasts four days and literally brings over 100,000 visitors to the area. This 1941 Willys was my favorite car at the show. As a child of the '60's, these cars were very popular street rods and dragsters of the day. This little jewel is the epitome of that era.
I guess the sign says it all. This ground up and probably frame-off restoration of a 1971 Pontiac GT 37 was best of show. It was a beautiful car, but there were others that I would rather own. Well, that's it for this week. See ya next Sunday, maybe. I do have an agenda, you know.
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Monday, September 22, 2014
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Skywatch Friday
Summer sunsets and warm temperatures are beginning to give way to the crisp cool air of Autumn. In a few weeks, the colors of fall will be in full foliage and then the shivers of winter will be upon us. I love fall, but I'm not the fan of winter that I once was. There are days when I will get as stiff as the ice outside and that's not something that I enjoy. Oh well, life goes on. Hurry up Autumn, I need some more fall photos. Have a blessed week-end.
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Inspiration Thursday
1. My son, keep my words, And treasure my commands within you.
Keep my commands and live,
And my law as the apple of your eye.
Bind them on your fingers;
Write them on the tablet of your heart.
Say to wisdom, "You are my sister,"
And call understanding your nearest kin,
Proverbs 7:1-4
I Still Believe,
Inspiration Thursday,
Jeremy Camp
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Monday, September 15, 2014
Ruby Tuesday Too - Mystery Flower
I planted this flower in one of my planters this spring. I have no idea what it is called and I have lost the information card. It provides an incredible splash of color in the landscape and blooms into September. I'm pretty sure that it is a perennial as well, since I don't care for replanting all new flowers every year.
Saturday, September 13, 2014
Scavenger Hunt Sunday - Too Cute
This week found me at one of my favorite local flea markets browsing for something that one of our grand daughters requested, but I am having a terrible time locating. That's another story for another day. What I did find was three of the prompts for this week, so I'll do them first.
You just never know what you're going to find in a flea market in Northwest Arkansas. These are stripes, pin stripes to be exact. They are not the world famous New York Yankee pinstripes. These belong to the Toledo, Mud Hens!
One of the booths was packed with western gear. No rhinestone cowboy stuff here. This is real, honest to goodness ridin' & ropin' stuff. Most of it looked too new to be true flea market finds, but I's sure someone does their shopping here.
Too Cute
I have to admit, I don't normally do "cute". It really doesn't wear well on me. However, when I saw this toy rocking horse, SHS was the first thing that I thought of. He's only about 8" tall and I'm pretty sure this qualifies as "too cute". Am I right?
Just a short trip back into the archives finds me at our Alaskan cruise. It was the trip of a lifetime and I'd do it again in a minute.
This painting can be found at Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art in Bentonville, Arkansas. I fell in love with this piece the first time that I saw it and it remains my favorite painting in the collection. There is a new exhibit opening next week, I plan on attending. If photography is allowed, I'll give you a tour. That's all for this week. See you next Sunday.
Friday, September 12, 2014
Tulsa State Fair Entries Photography
Saturday morning I am headed to Tulsa to enter two of my photos in the Tulsa State Fair. I take ninety nine percent of my photos for my own pleasure and share them with friends and family, including my blogging/facebook friends. I do like to ocassionally see how my images compare to others who consider photography a relatively serious hobby. Based on my knowledge and equipment, I would consider myself to be a the low end of relatively serious. Still, when I go through my photos, I find a few that I think are interesting enough to enter into competition. Last year I entered four photos into the competition and won three ribbons (click here to view them), two seconds and a third place. The fair runs from Thursday, September 25 through Sunday October 5. As of now, I am not planning on attending the fair, which means it will be Monday October 6, when I return to Tulsa to pick up my photos, before I know the results of my entries. The fair does not send you the results of the competition. If you don't go to the fair or show up to retrieve your entries, you will never know if you won anything. Here are the two images I will be entering this year.
Ozark Spring
If you read this blog on a regular basis, you've probably seen this image, in part or in whole. I use a portion of it as my blog header for a few weeks.
Gold Glove
I know that I have also posted this image on the blog. It was probably for a Wordless Wednesday. Well, these are what my ribbon hopes are hanging on this year. Wish me luck.
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Skywatch Friday
Autumn is just around the corner and the leaves will soon turn from green to shades of red, orange, yellow, brown, even purple. Our temperatures are going to drop into the high 40's tonight and rain is on the way...all of the ingredients for great color in a few weeks. I'm ready. Bring on the cool temps, hot cocoa, and a warm fire. Have a blessed week-end.
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Inspiration Thursday - Wisdom & Understanding
If there were any one or two things that you could have in this world that you believe would make your life much better, what would they be? Some people would might say that a better job in a more desirable location would make their life complete. Others might say that having their mortgage and the kids college education taken care of would make them sleep better at night. Still, some would tell you that a secure retirement income would be the best thing that could ever happen to them. All of these are honorable and desirable things and all of us would be thrilled if these things came to pass in our own lives, but they are not the ideal solution to life's issues. So what should we want for our lives to be complete? God's word says that two things are more valuable than any other possessions that we might have.
"Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding." (Proverbs 4:7) Wisdom and understanding are the two most important things that a person can possess. Where does one get wisdom and understanding? It rarely comes from other people, it doesn't come from most books, and it doesn't come from media sources like the Discovery channel. Wisdom and understanding comes from God and God alone. How do we start getting the wisdome and understanding that we need to live the life that God has planned for us? "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; A good understand have all those who do His commandments..." (Psalms 111:10) We can get some wisdom from other people who know, love, and obey God, but it all begins with God. When we acknowledge that we need God and accept Christ as our Savior, we begin the journey of wisdom and understanding. When we trust Christ as our Lord and Savior, we should be willing to read and trust the book that He inspired to guide us. The Bible is life's instruction book. One of the best books in all of the Bible to read and gain wisdom and understanding is Proverbs. There are 31 Proverbs and reading one each day is a great way to begin your day and focus on how we should conduct ourselves. Just how important are wisdom and understanding"
"The Lord by wisdom founded the earth; By understanding He established the heavens; By His knowledge the depths were broken up, and clouds drop down the dew." The Bible is life's instruction book. If you want to know what is best for you, read Gods word. The best thing that you can ever do in this life is to establish a relationship with Jesus Christ, read His Word, trust and obey what you find in His Word. You are the most important thing in all of creation to God and He wants to lead you through this life and into an eternal relationship with Him. When you have Christ in your heart, the God of all creation is available to you each and every day. The God of Angel Armies goes before you everywhere. Whom shall you fear. Great are you Lord! Have a blessed day.
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Monday, September 8, 2014
Ruby Tuesday Too - Final Rose
Final Rose of Summer
I mowed the yard recently and then decided to photograph a few of the final summer blooms in the planters. This is a variety of knockout rose and while it is supposed to bloom for a few more weeks, I believe these will be some of the final attractive blossoms of the season. I love roses, but they are usually pretty high maintenance. Knockout roses are easy to care for. The really just require that you prune them a couple of times during the growing season. They are relatively insect and disease free, tolerate full sun, and will even tolerate my inconsistent watering habits.
Saturday, September 6, 2014
Scavenger Hunt Sunday - Strolling
Yes, the flowers are real! I found them at a local grocery store. They have a floral department and there were several bundles of these colorful blooms to choose from. I chose to photograph them, but not purchase.
Few places offer a better view than the balcony on a cruise ship in Alaska. The landscape is ever changing and always stunning.
Two of my favorite places to stroll. There is a trail on either side of this creek. It is a part of Compton Gardens in Bentonville, Arkansas. That structure in the background is Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art. I love to stroll through the galleries there. The trail connects downtown Bentonville to the museum. A new exhibit opens in a couple of weeks. I am already making plans to attend.
At least one evening on every cruise, dress for dinner requires that you wear a formal outfit. Very few tuxes are seen, but your best "Sunday-go-to-meetin" clothes will work.
The decorative concrete masonry units (blocks) were very popular during the late 50's and mid-60's. Some were made of clay, others in concrete. I don't believe anyone manufactures them any longer, so if you're restoring a mid-century home and need some of these...good luck.
Well that's it for this week's Scavenger Hunt. Stop by anytime this week for additonal posts. Have a blessed day.
Thursday, September 4, 2014
Skywatch Friday
It's that time of year. The weather is still very warm, but the promise of autumn and cooler temps is just around the corner. Football season is here and we will soon be trading our summer shorts for our sweat pants and a fire in the fire place. It's my favorite time of the year. What's yours?
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
Inspiration Thursday - Eye on the Sparrow
Have you ever faced a situation where you felt all alone. It seemed like you against the world and the world was winning. If you had faith, it was being tested to the breaking point and you were ready to just give up. If you placed your faith in God, you may have even asked yourself, where is God when I really need Him. In a way, you may have been accusing God of not caring enough about you to intervene in your situation.
First of all Christians are not immune to life difficulties. We are not immune to terminal illnesses. We are not immune to losing loved ones in tragic accidents and we are not immune to family or financial troubles. We are however, immune to desertion. God will never desert His children, ever!
Joshua 1:9 tells us "...Be strong and courageous! Do not trermble or dismayed, for the Lord our God is with you wherever you go." Psalm 23:4 says, "Even though I walk through the valleyt of the shado of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me;..." Even in the gospel of Matthew, Christ tell us, "...I am with you always, even to the end of the age." It can be very difficult to remember these promises when life seems to be crashing down around us and nothing is going our way. Remember God never promised us a life free from pain or difficulty, He promised to be there and walk with us through it all. Remember, we are the "crown jewel" of God's creation. We are made in His image. He breathed life into us and gave us an eternal soul, unique among all creatures. He has provided us a means of spending eternity with Him through the gift of salvation. God loves you, cares about you, and watches over you. As a Christian, you are most valuable to the Creator. His eye is upon the sparrow.
Regardless of the depth of the valley that we must travel, when we look up, God is on the mountain.
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Monday, September 1, 2014
Ruby Tuesday Too - Peter Max
I don't know the title of this painting, but the artist is Peter Max. Max became famous in the 60's for his style of pop art. Many people consider him to be the father of psychedelic art. He produced ad campaign artwork, album covers, posters, paintings, fabric designs, etc. I really like this piece, and if I could afford a Peter Max painting, this just might be the one that I would choose. He did a series based on the Statue of Liberty which is also pretty cool.
Here are a few more examples of Peter Max's artwork. If they don't say 60's Flower Power, I don't know what does. Have a groovy Ruby Tuesday Too.

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