Nana's Little Helpers - The Thanksgiving Edition
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Ruby Tuesday
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Here Comes Santa Claus...
Thanksgiving is over, the turkey is gone. Black Friday shopping has past as well. Time to get out the decorations and prepare the house for Christmas. Be forewarned, you are going to see a lot of Christmas related posts during the next few weeks. I found this guy in the gift shop at Big Cedar Lodge, just outside of Branson, MO. I didn't purchase him, so he might still be available.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Extreme Make-over...Blogger Edition Part II
Okay, this looks festive enough for the remainder of the holidays. It's a little brighter than I might prefer, but it definitely will work for Christmas. I think I'll keep this scheme through the new year. I'll find something more permanent after January 1.
Thanksgiving at our house was a very good day. Three of the grand crew spent Wednesday night here. They helped Nana in the kitchen and set the table for today's festivities. I built the first fire of the season in the fireplace, so we roasted hot dogs and marshmallows. You guessed it, Nana had graham crackers and Hersey bars on hand, so "Smores" were the dessert of the evening.
Our daughter,her husband, and the oldest of the grand crew arrived a little after 11:00 this morning. We ate around 1:00. After dessert (pumpkin or lemon meringue pie) and a little football, we loaded up the cars and headed to the movies. "Tangled" was the movie of choice. It was good, but I wouldn't pay extra to see it in 3-D again. After the movie, we headed our separate ways. Our daughter is traveling two hours to Branson with some of her friends to shop at the outlet malls. They open at midnight. I'll be in bed.
Friday is supposed to be cold here, so there will be NO black Friday shopping for Nana and I. We'll sleep in a little, I'll build another fire, and we will just stay home and stay warm. See you next week.
Thanksgiving at our house was a very good day. Three of the grand crew spent Wednesday night here. They helped Nana in the kitchen and set the table for today's festivities. I built the first fire of the season in the fireplace, so we roasted hot dogs and marshmallows. You guessed it, Nana had graham crackers and Hersey bars on hand, so "Smores" were the dessert of the evening.
Our daughter,her husband, and the oldest of the grand crew arrived a little after 11:00 this morning. We ate around 1:00. After dessert (pumpkin or lemon meringue pie) and a little football, we loaded up the cars and headed to the movies. "Tangled" was the movie of choice. It was good, but I wouldn't pay extra to see it in 3-D again. After the movie, we headed our separate ways. Our daughter is traveling two hours to Branson with some of her friends to shop at the outlet malls. They open at midnight. I'll be in bed.
Friday is supposed to be cold here, so there will be NO black Friday shopping for Nana and I. We'll sleep in a little, I'll build another fire, and we will just stay home and stay warm. See you next week.
Extreme Make-over...Blogger Edition
It's a dangerous thing for me to have time on my hands and my computer staring back at me. I started out looking for a blog template that would be appropriate for the holiday season. I found an incredible one, but it was transparent and made photographs look a little funny. After some searching, I decided to postpone the holiday template idea for a day or two. I mean, I don't even have the outside of the house done yet. Still, I wanted a new look, so I settled on this for now. I wouldn't get too used to looking at this if I were you. I can almost guarantee that it will change again very soon.
Oh, Happy Thanksgiving.
Oh, Happy Thanksgiving.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Another Birthday...Another Cake
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There's another birthday in the family, so it's back to the kitchen for the "Cake Princess". This time it's Papa who's going to be a year older. Let's see, what can we make for him? It would be nice if the cake was red, then Papa would post it for a Ruby Tuesday. Okay, red it is. Now, how can I make it special? I know! Papa graduated from the University of Oklahoma, and their colors are red and white (crimson and creme for the purists). He's always wearing one of his OU ball caps. That gives me an idea. Nana can cut out the design and I'll decorate it.
What do you think? Is Papa gonna like this cake?
Yep, another satisfied customer.
BOOMER, Sooner!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Skywatch Friday Thoughts and More
When The Beatles released this song in 1967, I don't know if any of us thought we would actually live to be 64. On Saturday, November 20, 2010, I will reach that milestone. I thought it only appropriate to play the song for the ocassion.
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My drive to and from work each day affords me several opportunities to photograph the sky without the distractions of road signs, fences, power lines, buildings, etc. I have been known to be a few minutes late for work, due to a stunning sunrise. That unobstructed view of the sky reminded me that God always has an unobstructed view of our hearts and minds. We can do things, think things, and imagine things that we keep hidden from those who know us. We can hide nothing from our Creator. He created us and gave us a free will to choose our path in this life. God has a plan for each of us and each morning we get to choose whether or not we are going to yield to His will, or go our own way. We may fool those around us into thinking that we are rightly motivated by our actions, but God has a clear unobstructed view of our hearts. What does He see when he looks at yours. Mine is often an embarrassment to me and to my Savior. "Create in me a clean heart, oh God, that I might not sin against you." This was the prayer of David, the psalmist. I would do well to start each day with this request.
My inspirational song this week comes from Jeremy Camp. My life would be much better if I would only learn to "Walk By Faith." Enjoy.
Friday Thoughts,
rSkyWatch Frididay Thoughts
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Monday, November 15, 2010
Ruby Tuesday
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Are you in the Holiday spirit yet? These little guys were at the gift shop at Big Cedar Lodge in late October. Thanksgiving is just days away and Christmas will be here before you know it.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
What's the Point?
Comedian Arsenio Hall used to do a segment on his show called, "Things that make you go Hmmm.m.m.m" I saw a television commercial the other day that made me ask, "What's the point?" We all know that there really is no such thing as a basic cell phone anymore. They're all "hand held devices", which basically means they are mini computers that allow you to make phone calls. You can surf the net, download movies, tv shows, take photos and video your friends and family in uncompromising positions. You can keep up with your fantasy sports league, stock market, make movie and restaurant reservations and the list just goes on and on. HTC has introduced the HTC Surround! It's claim to fame is dolby surround sound speakers.
Really? What's the point? Have you ever heard a pair of speakers from any laptop that you would actually listen to for any length of time? NO! You put on your headphones or ear buds and get the sound you truly like. If laptop speakers are bad, how silly is it to try to put surround sound on a phone? These speakers can't be any larger than a pencil eraser. Just how much quality sound do you expect to pack into that tiny space. What's the point? I guess you can download your favorite movie and then annoy the people on either side of you on that crowded flight from Chicago to Dallas. No thanks, I'll stick to my headphones.
Really? What's the point? Have you ever heard a pair of speakers from any laptop that you would actually listen to for any length of time? NO! You put on your headphones or ear buds and get the sound you truly like. If laptop speakers are bad, how silly is it to try to put surround sound on a phone? These speakers can't be any larger than a pencil eraser. Just how much quality sound do you expect to pack into that tiny space. What's the point? I guess you can download your favorite movie and then annoy the people on either side of you on that crowded flight from Chicago to Dallas. No thanks, I'll stick to my headphones.
Friday, November 12, 2010
The Cake Boss Strikes Again
You may remember this photo from September. The middle grand daughter and Nana made a birthday cake for M's little brother. M is the resident pastry chef in waiting. She's ten years old and watches the food network constantly. She also searches Discovery Channel and Travel Channel for shows like Cake Boss, Cupcake Wars, etc. She records them so she can watch them on her own schedule.
Last month, we went to the Tulsa State Fair to see the wedding cake and sugar arts competition. You can visit that post in the archives. While there, M met her idol, Kerri Vincent. If you ever watch "Challenge", on Food Network, you know who Kerry Vincent is. She is a hall of fame cake decorator, and the judge that all contestants live in fear of.
As you can tell, from the smile on M's face, her day is made! We could have left the fair at that very moment and she would have been perfectly happy. And now, for the rest of the story. M's little sister had asked M to make her birthday cake. So, on a Friday evening M came out to the house and she, and Nana, baked a cake. M got her instructions from Nana, but she did most of the work.
They do make a pretty good team. Nana is an excellent teacher and M is a more that willing student.
As you can see, M is deeply involved in piping the decoration on the cake. This is her first time to do this by herself and she is pretty good at it.
The cake boss and her latest creation, a pair of blue jeans with candy decorations. My birthday is coming up on the 20th. I've told M that I want my cake to be an exact replica of my bass boat. I don't know if she and Nana will actually tackle that assignment, but I know that I will enjoy whatever they do.
Last month, we went to the Tulsa State Fair to see the wedding cake and sugar arts competition. You can visit that post in the archives. While there, M met her idol, Kerri Vincent. If you ever watch "Challenge", on Food Network, you know who Kerry Vincent is. She is a hall of fame cake decorator, and the judge that all contestants live in fear of.
As you can tell, from the smile on M's face, her day is made! We could have left the fair at that very moment and she would have been perfectly happy. And now, for the rest of the story. M's little sister had asked M to make her birthday cake. So, on a Friday evening M came out to the house and she, and Nana, baked a cake. M got her instructions from Nana, but she did most of the work.
They do make a pretty good team. Nana is an excellent teacher and M is a more that willing student.
As you can see, M is deeply involved in piping the decoration on the cake. This is her first time to do this by herself and she is pretty good at it.
The cake boss and her latest creation, a pair of blue jeans with candy decorations. My birthday is coming up on the 20th. I've told M that I want my cake to be an exact replica of my bass boat. I don't know if she and Nana will actually tackle that assignment, but I know that I will enjoy whatever they do.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Veterans Day
It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived.
George S. Patton
George S. Patton
U.S.S. Bunker Hill 1943-45
Thank you dad.
Viet Nam 1967-68
It was an honor and a privilege to serve.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Monday, November 8, 2010
Ruby Tuesday
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The entry to Bass Pro Shops at Branson Landing, in Branson, Missouri. I LOVE this place! One look at my Ruby Tuesday badge should tell you why this is one of my favorite stores on the planet. Cabela's would be the other.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Skywatch Friday Thoughts and More
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This photo was taken last October. This year the colors were not nearly as bright nor the colors nearly as nice. We had a long, hot, dry, July, August, and September. October brought some rain, but it was too little, too late. The result being that the primary color this autumn was brown. A dull, dingy, dead brown. We lost a lot of trees in the woods around the house. This tree is just a reminder of how beautiful autumn can be. It is typically my favorite time of the year. I love the color changes, the weather patterns stabilizes, and the holiday season is just around the corner.
My inspirational song this week comes from the band "Third Day". The song "God of Wonders." Have a wonderful week-end.
Friday Thoughts,
God of Wonder,
SkyWatch Friday,
Third Day
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Peace Be With You.
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The pursuit of peace is a most noble endeavor. However, the pursuit of peace without God is a futile and frustrating adventure. For mankind to believe that he can achieve peace without God, is arrogant, at best. Peace begins from within, and without Christ, there can be no true peace. Our Lord is the source of love, peace, and the abundant life. That abundant life begins when, through the act of obedience, we acknowledge our sinful life, admit that there is but one true living God, and that Christ is His only Son. We repent of our sin, ask God to forgive us, and invite Christ into our lives. At that instant, we are changed. We become new creatures. We have access to the true source of peace. A peace that passes all understanding.
God's people will dwell in a peaceful habitation, because Christ has told us that he has gone to prepare a place for us, so that where he is, we may be also. When my place is ready, He will call me home and I will live in peace forever! Hallelujah!

My hope is in Christ. My joy originates with Christ. My peace is a gift from Christ. Regardless of how difficult my day may be, I have a peace that my Lord and Savior loves me and has a plan for my life. The abundant life is dependent upon how sensitive I am to God's will and how obedient I am to that will.

God loves us and everything He asks of us is for our benefit, and His glory. Christ told us that He came that we might have life and have it more abundantly. Obedience to the will of God makes for peace and is mutually upbuilding to all who call His name. Obedience is the key to an abundant life.
If you are searching for peace and cannot find it, I would encourage you to pick up a copy of God's word and read the following passages. But first, answer these two questions.
1. To you, who is Jesus?
2. If what you believe about spiritual things and eternal life were not true, would you want to know it?
Now read;
Romans 3:23
Romans 6:23
John 3:3
John 14:6
Romans 10:9-11
2 Corinthians 5:15
Revelation 3:20
Consider the source of peace.
May the God of all creation reveal Himself to you this day.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Monday, November 1, 2010
Ruby Tuesday
On a recent trip to Branson, Missouri, I found this guy outside the Disney Store at Branson Landing. The whole scene just screamed Ruby Tuesday.
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