Monday, January 18, 2010

Ruby Tuesday


We got a couple of inches on snow on January 3, and I filled my bird feeder.  It didn't take long for the rubies of the forest to appear.  I even decided to turn one of them into a Ruby Tuesday badge.
On another note, if yo're interested in how I created the banner photo for this blog, come back Friday and I'll share the techniques with you.


  1. Love the birds and really love the header. I'll be waiting to see the post on how you did this.

    Have a terrific day. Big hug. :)

  2. The Cardinal is a beauty, we often see them on the forsythia near our bedroom. The look is wonderful if snow is around, the crimson feathers alight over the white precip. Lovely captures!

  3. That Cardinal is famous now without knowing it's on the WWW :)
    Happy RT!

  4. Nice bird shots. Nice little male downy. They are pretty common but the red heads are scarcer. I will be looking for your dragon Friday. That's pretty cool.

  5. They come from deep woods,
    cardinals and woodpeckers,
    seeking seeds to eat.

    Torrent of poinsettias!

  6. Absolutely beautiful birds!! And your bright colorful header.

    My Ruby Tuesday is HERE. Do come join me if you can find time today.

  7. Looks like Nessie up there on your header! Great shots of the birds - it must be fun being able to feed them and good for them too.

  8. Gorgeous! I haven't seen many cardinals this year, perhaps I have to many cats and they are staying away from our feeders. Not that I blame them. Beautiful photos for Ruby Tuesday!

  9. Wonderful shots of the birds!
    I love the header and will be back for sure to see how you dressed up this lego dragon.

  10. Lovely ruby birdies and amazing header shot! Someone's been playing ;-)
    Hugs and blessings,

  11. Very cool bird pictures. Rubies is right.

  12. Nice! I took a picture of a red-winged black bird yesterday on a walk, but you can't see much of the red. I forget how many birds have read plumage!

  13. You are so lucky. The showiest birds we get around here in the Seattle area are the exciting Flickers with their rust underneath and bright red chest medallions on the males. But nothing is like a Cardinal.
