Monday, January 25, 2010

Ruby Tuesday

Last week I posted several photos of birds that had come to my bird feeder following a recent snow fall.  This week I am featuring the star of the show, the piliated woodpecker.  You will notice that this bird is large.  He is significantly larger than a blue jay, but not quite as large as a black bird.  There are a pair of them in the woods behind the house.  They are never very far apart, but one is very camera shy while the other doesn't seem to mind feeding while I photograph him.  It does help to have a telephoto lens for these shots.  I have my 50-500mm lens set on 400mm.  I can then crop them closer once I download the originals.


  1. Nice shots for sure. I think he's a bit of a ham though. Camera likes him very much too. How fun. I love to watch the birds around here too. Yes, we feed them as well.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  2. Wonderful shots of this RUBY headed bird ;-)
    Hugs and blessings,

  3. Sharp and clear nice shots of the redhead!
    Sometimes I wonder, ain't it freezing cold for them with just a few feathers? Bbbrrrr... I can imagine myself wrapped up like a dumpling!

    Happy Ruby Tuesday :)

  4. Driller, I am so jealous! I have a number of little Downy Woodpeckers at my feeders and occasionally I am visited by a red Headed Woodpecker, but I have never seen a Piliated Woodpecker. You are in the right spot.

    We live in Brookside just a block from Riverside and the Arkansas River so we get a few interesting visiters, but never a piliated. They are beautiful. Next you will be claiming to have seen an Ivory Bill. We will need photographic proof.

    Seriously, you are fortunate to be near enough to woods to be able to see some nice birds. We should compare notes some time.

  5. Driller, I used to feed birds but the pigeons crowded them out and the squirrels ate ALL the birdfeed... :( Your woodpecker is wonderful and so is your cardinal on that great Ruby Tuesday badge! :)

  6. You took second place in the caption this contest. Congratulations. :)

  7. These are just gorgeous. Nothing like a long lens. Great capture of a beautiful sight.
