Saturday, July 6, 2013

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

All In One
Here I managed to get all of the prompts in one image, that is, if you're willing to think a little outside the box.  Red, white and blue are visible in the uniform.  These kids are the Cal Ripkin 9 year old All-Stars, and at some point in the game you're going to see a sparkling baseball play, even at this level.  See...all five prompts in one image.  Okay, now let's try a more traditional route.

 One of my favorite summer toys is my bass boat and it is mostly red.

The truck that I use to tow my boat is white.  How convenient for this hunt.

If you attend a little league baseball tournament you will find that red or blue are among the most prominent uniform colors.  
Technically, this meets four of the five prompts, and if you add my oldest grand daughters sparkling personality, you get all five in one image.  However, I'm going to stick with the stars that are on her shorts that she hand decorated for the fireworks show at the local park.  She's pretty creative too.

I'm guessing that this will be the most popular subject matter for this prompt from all of the participants this week.  Fireworks have a sparkle all of their own and they are great fun to watch.  I have a camera that actually has a "Fireworks" setting on it.  All you really need to add is a tripod.  A tripod is an absolute necessity if you're going to get images of fireworks that are in focus.   Well, I hope everyone had a great holiday.  See you next week.


  1. Excellent Scavenger Hunt Sunday as always.

    Let Freedom Ring. WOW! Hubby and I enjoyed both videos, but Let Freedom Ring was AWESOME.

    Have a blessed weekend. ☺

  2. Hah, you did all the prompts several times. Talk about multi-tasking.

    I'm skipping the scavenger hunt this week. We're driving down to north Texas to deliver son to his camp.

  3. Great shots this week. I love all the baseball. Little league games are some of my favorite games to watch. We have a baseball field across the street from us and often we walk over to watch the town teams play. It's loads of fun.

  4. These are great! Love baseball pictures!

  5. It looks like you were an over achiever this week satisfying your prompts several times over. Nice job!

  6. What fun you had with this Scavenger Hunt! Well done!
    Have a blessed day!
    Lea's Menagerie

  7. Well done! good job on getting all prompts in one. Your star shot is my favorite!

  8. Great fireworks shot! And the little league photos remind me of when we were kids and we'd go to my brother's games. :)

  9. Great set both traditional and non-traditional. It's fun to fit all the prompts in one shot.
    I like your bass boat.
    Also loved the star shorts - very creative.

  10. Stars slope your sparkle and stars shots! I used fireworks for sparkle too, but I have seen some other creative interpretations for that prompt!

  11. Very creative on your first all in one shot!! They are all the star shorts on your g'daughter too!

  12. clever, clever! not just one photo that met all five words, but two pictures! adorable baseball picture. Many memories of spending evenings at the baseball field... snowcones & licorice! umm...
