Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Inspiration Thursday - I Need Thee Every Hour

How often have you found yourself in a difficult situation and turned to God in prayer? When the difficulties of this life find their way into our existence, it is easy to look toward heaven and proclaim to the Creator that we cannot handle the situation and we are turning the issue over to Him. We are turning loose of the reigns and allowing God to fix the problem. Once the thing that has caused us so much anguish is resolved, we say, "Thank you Lord, I'll take it from here." God has a plan for our life. His plan is detailed and complete. It encompasses every moment that we live, whether we are awake or asleep. God's plan is not just for the difficult times or for those events that seem to spiral our life out of control. No, God's plan is more complete than that. While we may acknowledge that we need Him in the bad times, the truth is, I Need Thee Every Hour. Have a blessed day.


  1. We need Him in good and bad times. Nothing worse than a Sunday christian. I've known a couple of those.

    Have a blessed day. ☺

    1. I think most Christians have gone through a "Sunday Christian" phase. Thankfully, most outgrow it and mature properly.

  2. There's a reason the 12-Step people say the first step is admit you are powerless and you need that Higher Power. Bill W got it all from the Bible.

    1. Many management skills and techniques that are taught actually have their origin is scripture.
