Sunday, October 22, 2017

Awe...some Mondays - Homecoming 2017

This year the two younger grand daughters attended high school homecoming. The one on the left is a sophomore and the one on the right is a senior. Note, the senior is in 5 inch heels while the sophomore is in Converse tennis shoes. 

Our daughter and son-in-law with their home coming girls. It is a tall family. Our son-in-law is 6'-3" and our daughter is 5'-10". So...with the heels the senior is just over 6'.

All of the siblings were available for one photo. The oldest grand daughter, on the left is a senior in college and was home on fall break while little brother is in the 8th grade.
And what's the best part of home coming! Getting a kiss from two of my princesses, of course.


  1. It's always a pleasure to have the kids over, you have a great looking family, I really like the last picture of you getting a smooch from the girls.

  2. Thank you. We think the grand crew is pretty special.

  3. Awww, these are the best pictures. You're family rocks.

    Have a fabulous Awesome Monday. ☺

  4. what a sweet loving TALL family! Aren't you lucky!

  5. Aw ~ such beautiful granddaughters ~ lovely family photo ~ filled with love ^_^

    Love and light,
    A Shutterbug Explores

  6. Awwww! They are your precious princesses, i'm so glad to see how they love you.

  7. Awww...that is awesome. Memories being made! Hugs.

  8. What a great, good looking family. You are a blessed man Driller.
