Monday, March 28, 2016

Ruby Tuesday Too

Caffeine Classics
Long before there were K-cups and Starbucks, people brewed their favorite blend of coffee at home and the product came in tin cans. Well, almost everything came in a tin can at one time. I do remember Shurfine coffee. I believe that was a grocery store brand, like IGA or Safeway.


  1. I don't remember any of these coffees. I do remember the tin cans though. Had the key to open them on the bottom of the can. Long ago.

    Have a terrific Ruby Tuesday. ☺

  2. Yep, and the coffee cans could be put to good use in your shop also.

  3. Very nice photos, Driller. Hope you had a lovely Easter! He is risen indeed!
    Thanks for sharing at

  4. I've never seen that before. I remember Maxwell House and Folgers in cans though.
