Thursday, March 6, 2014

Skywatch Friday

There are days when we go through life without noticing much about the world around us.  But, from time to time, God gets our attention by providing us with a sight that we cannot ignore.  Sunrises and sunsets can be spectacular and during the winter a beautiful sunset will not be denied.  Staring into the western skies we get a sense of peace and an little joy comes into what might have been a very hectic day.  For the Christian these glorious sights are but a glimpse into the unspeakable beauty that God has prepared for us in that place called heaven.
For those who name the name of Jesus as their Lord and Savior, when the angel of death visits our door, we have nothing to fear.  We will pass from this life into a place that our mortal minds cannot comprehend.  Heaven's Joy Awaits.  Have a blessed week-end.


  1. Beautiful capture! I am enjoying the longer daylight hours this time of year because I can see the beautiful sunrises again on my drive to work.

  2. I like how you put it that we get a sign that we cannot ignore. That is the truth Driller!

  3. Yes, the universe is filled with gifts ~ Great shots and post for SWF ~ thanks, xxx

    artmusedog and carol

  4. I try to always stop and smell the roses along the way. I take great delight in that.

    Love the video as always.

    Have a blessed weekend my friend. :)
