Thursday, March 20, 2014

Skywatch Friday

Sometimes the morning or evening sky is layered with color.  While it only lasts a few moments, I could watch it for hours.  Our lives are layered.  We have layers of friends.  Some are childhood friends, long forgotten.  Some are recent friends that we spend time together.  We have layers of activities.  There is entertainment, hobbies, work, and family.  All of these layers require that we spend time in those relationships in order to bring out the best in ourselves and others.  We can't truly understand why some people do the the things that they do, unless we understand the person better.  When we know something about a person's past, their education, their family, their interests, we can better understand why they may react to a situation differently that most others.  The person that most of us know the least about, yet knows the most about us, is Jesus.  God created us, breathed life into us, and developed a plan for our lives.  Yet most of us have no clue what that plan is, because we spend almost no time getting to know the one who knows us best.  Investing time in God's Word, and spending time in prayer, talking to our Lord is the only way that we will ever have the relationship with Jesus that He intended.  It's never to late to begin.  After all, each of us is a "Soul Going Somewhere".  Have a blessed week-end.



  1. Gorgeous colors and layers, a lovely sky capture. Have a happy weekend!

  2. Amazing and colorful sky shot and love the music and so true ~ xxx

    artmusedog and carol
    (a creative harbor)

  3. Beautiful and inspiring post.
