Wednesday, December 16, 2015

2015 Christmas Music Marathon Day 20

 One of the wonderful things about the Christmas season is that most people are in a more giving mood. They are willing to give a little more kindness. They are willing to give a little more gentleness and they are willing to love their neighbor a little more. It is this spirit that has God as it's source, even when we fail to realize it. The Bible tells us that God is love, and that is true. When God sent His Son to this earth to save us from our sins, He planted love in our midst and our example of true love should always be the life of Christ. If you're looking for love, look no further that God's Word. You will find that "Love Is Here." Have a blessed day.


  1. I try to have a giving spirit all year around. I'm so thankful for so many things.

    Loved the video as always. You've really mixed up the music this year. Excellent.

    Have a blessed day. ☺

  2. what a great video! Giving to others brings so much joy to everyone. Have a wonderful day!

  3. Great message, great song, keep them coming Driller.
